Judging Accreditation

Are you interested in becoming a dilute judge?

Photo courtesy of Kangra

Dilutes Australia Ltd has a judge's accreditation scheme that will teach you the fundamentals of judging our dilutes which come in all breeds, sizes and colours.

Step 1: Lodge your application

Download an application form or fill out the online form below and return to the address listed on the form.  Your application will be assessed by the Board and if successful it's on to step 2.

Step 2: Your application is reviewed

If your application is accepted, you will be sent the judges' information pack which primarily consists of reference material.  The judging application form contains a box on which you indicate whether you prefer this information to be sent to you via CD or USB stick.  There is a text file on the CD/USB called READ ME FIRST.txt that provides instructions for accessing other documents you'll require.

Step 3: Complete the Part 1 Evaluation Paper

Once you've reviewed the reference material it's time to move on to step 3!  This involves completing the evaluation papers.  There are 2 versions of this document.  You will be advised which one you need to complete.  These documents are protected behind a passworded portal so you will need to request a username and password to access it.  The information to do this is contained in the READ ME FIRST.txt on your CD or USB drive.  This password will only be valid for a limited time. 

Once you have the password, you can log onto the page and either download the evaluation document as a pdf to complete by hand or complete it online using MS Word (you'll need to download the zip file to extract the document).  Electronic completion is preferred as it will speed up the evaluation process considerably.  When you've completed the evaluation paper, post it to the address on the cover if you completed it in hard copy or email it to the Judge's Panel Liaison Officer.

Step 4: Your paper is assessed

Your paper will be evaluated by our accreditation panel and if successful, you'll be able to progress to Part 2 of the evaluation process - virtual judging! 

Step 5: Completing Part 2 of the evaluation process - Virtual Judging

This is where the fun begins!  Answering questions about theory is all very well but actually putting that theory into practice can be a whole different ballgame.  In the past this was done via probationary judging appointments but in today's high tech world, we've gone virtual instead.  To this end, we have compiled a series of pages that serve as online dilute classes that you will 'judge' by completing the placings form on each page.

Note - as in real life judging there are no correct ways to place the horses presented.  However, the way you place them will give us an indication of how well you understand the theory covered in Part 1, and enable us to provide you with more information (if warranted) to help you become more proficient at judging dilutes. 

Step 6: Your Virtual Judging is assessed

Our accreditation panel will assess your virtual judging and provide you with feedback, if any.  If successful, congratulations! 

Step 7: Signing your contract and receiving an ID card

You'll be sent a contract to sign and upon its return, will be issued with an ID card. 

Application forms and information

Information about the accreditation process

Application to become a judge - PDF version or use the interactive online form below:

Judges Application

All fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Please enter the word that you see below.


Judging Panel Contacts:

Judge's Co-ordinator & Panel Liaison Officer:

Janet Forster


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